pp. 45 -

Two species of South-East Asian genus Parmarion Fischer, 1856 (P. martensi Simroth, 1894 and P. pupillaris Humbert, 1864) (Ariophantidae) have been found in Central Vietnam (Dak Lak province). Illustrated descriptions of external appearance and reproductive tracts of both species are presented. Along with these species one juvenile specimen of Meghimatium bilineatum (Benson, 1842) (Philomycidae) has been found in south-east part of Vietnam (Dalat City).

Дополнения к малакофауне Вьетнама: роды Parmarion и Meghimatium (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora)
Шилейко A.А.;
pp. 49 -

The description of the new genus Antarctophiline gen. nov. with the type species Philine gibba is given based on penial and gizzard morphology. The new genus includes also A. alata and A. amoena. The anatomy of Antarctophiline gibba shows many similarities with “Philinealba and “Philine“ alboides. The new genus definitely doesn’t belong to Philinidae s.str. It differs from Laonidae in lacking of gizzard plates and has some similarities with the family Philinorbidae. The new genus is tentatively placed into the family Philinorbidae. Features of morphology of Antarctophiline gibba described from different localities are discussed.

Новый род заднежаберных моллюсков Antarctophiline gen. nov. (Cephalaspidea: Philinoidea) из моря Содружества, Антарктика
Чабан Е.М.;
planktonic larval distribution; history of taxonomy; Newfoundland Bank; Gulf Stream; Mediterranean Sea;
pp. 57 -

The polyplacophoran genus Hanleya contains two similar species in the Northeast Atlantic, H. hanleyi (Bean in Thorpe, 1844) and H. nagelfar (Lovén, 1846), which were primarily differentiated by dramatic difference in size but also in part by distribution and minor morphological and ecological features. The question of whether these two names represent two species or whether H. nagelfar is merely a name for H. hanleyi that have grown to extraordinary size, has been raised repeatedly since 1865. The problem was protracted by inaccessibility of the type specimen for the senior species name, and a lack of material collected near the type locality of H. hanleyi, both issues which we resolved in the course of this study. We examined the details of valves, girdle armature, and radula in specimens of Hanleya hanleyi from the Mediterranean Sea and Scotland. The similarity of relevant features among small specimens of H. hanleyi and H. nagelfar from Scotland, the Mediterranean Sea, Norway and Newfoundland Bank and the type specimen of Hanleya hanleyi suggests the two species are synonymous. Hanleya nagelfar is a junior synonym of H. hanleyi. Finally we note the eggs of H. hanleyi contain an unusual large drop of lipid that may increase their floatation. We propose that the eggs and larvae of H. hanleyi have an extended pelagic distribution and this extended dispersal period may connect populations from bathyal habitats in the slope of Newfoundland Bank via surface currents of the Gulf Stream System to northward and eastward in the Atlantic ocean.

Hanleya hanleyi (Bean in Thorpe, 1844) (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) и влияние системы Гольфстрим на ее распространение
Сиренко Б.; Сигварт Ю.; Делл’Анджело Б. ;
pp. 71 -

The validity of Astarte inaequilatera (Filatova in Scarlato, 1981) (Bivalvia: Astartidae) is substantiated. It is a Pacific, widely-distributed boreal species, earlier synonymized with the subtropical, Japanese-Korean Astarte hakodatensis Yokoyama, 1920. A. hakodatensis differs from A. inaequilatera by the crenulated inner ventral margin of the shell, lack of undulating commarginal ribs (only growth marks are present), radial threads, and strongly produced anterior margin. The shell is thicker and darker, with a dark brown periostracum. A. inaequilatera usually has a yellow-brownish to olivaceous periostracum. A. hakodatensis differs from Astarte montagui (Dillwyn, 1817) by the crenulation of the inner margin and a smaller size. Detailed synonymies of both species are compiled for the first time. Taxonomic and faunal comments on the Astartidae of the Russian Far Eastern seas are provided.

Видовая самостоятельность Astarte inaequilatera (Filatova in Scarlato, 1981) и замечания о составе Astartidae (Bivalvia) дальневосточных морей России
Лутаенко К. А.;
Colinae; morphology; anatomy; systematics; North Pacific; new species; lectotype designation;
pp. 85 -

The genus Retimohnia McLean, 1995 is revised based on conchology, radular morphology, foregut and stomach anatomy. Ten previously described species are recognized as valid: R. frielei (Dall, 1891), R. bella (Ozaki, 1958), R. vernalis (Dall, 1913), R. clarki (Dall, 1907), R.hondoensis (Dall, 1913), R.micra (Dall, 1907), R. sordida (Dall, 1907) comb. nov., R. robusta (Dall, 1913), R. caelata (Verrill et Smith, 1880), R. acadiana García, 2008. two species are described as new: R. lussae sp. nov, and R. mcleani sp. nov. R.japonica (Dall, 1913) is reduced to a junior synonym of R. micra, R. clementina (Dall, 1919) considered as a junior synonym of R clarki. Five species are excluded from the genus. Lectotypes designated for Mohnia frielei, Mohnia vernalis, Mohnia sordida, Mohnia clarki.

Ревизия рода Retimohnia McLean, 1995 (Gastropoda: Buccinidae)
Косьян А.Р.; Кантор Ю.И. ;
pp. 123 -

Five new species of Olivoidea are described based on molecular and morphological evidence: four shallow subtidal Ancilla from Madagascar and Papua New Guinea, and one deep water (500-600 m) Calyptoliva from the Tuamotus. The sympatric – but not syntopic - Ancilla morrisoni and A. kaviengensis, from New Ireland province, are morphologically cryptic, differing mostly in shell colour, but are molecularly distinct. The sympatric – and possibly syntopic - Ancilla atimovatae and A. lhaumeti, belong to a species flock from southernmost Madagascar;  A. atimovatae is conchologically nearly indistinguishable from A. ventricosa, but differs markedly in radular morphology. Calyptoliva was previously known only from the Coral Sea; C. bbugeae is the first representative of the genus to yield molecular data. The new Ancilla are described based on sequenced holotypes; the type material of the new Calyptoliva includes a sequenced paratype.

Интегративный таксономический подход к Индо-Пацифическим Olividae: новые виды, выявленные по молекулярным и морфологическим данным
Кантор Ю.И.; Федосов А.Э.; Пулляндр Н.; Буше Ф. ;
taxonomy; Indian Ocean; False Bay; intertidal zone;
pp. 145 -

A new chiton species of the genus Leptochiton is described from the intertidal zone of False Bay, South Africa. The new species is distinguishable from other congeneric species by ribbed ventral scales, a wide tail valve and the number of micraesthetes per each megalaesthete.

Новый южноафриканский Leptochiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Lepidopleurida)
Сиренко Б.И.;
pp. 153 -

Adventive fauna is a heterogenic and regarding to the entry time, heterochronic group of species in a regional fauna formed as a result of migrations through a direct or an indirect human influence. 96 species of terrestrial snails are found in the Moscow and Tver Regions. 25(26%) of them are alien. The adventive species belong to 15 genera of 9 families. The alien species are classified herein by geographical, chronological and ecological parameters. According to their naturalization degree, the alien species can be classified into 3 groups. Domestizoids are the species inhabiting buildings (as houses, cellars, vegetable stores, greenhouses, etc). Colonozoids are species inhabiting secondary biotopes for a long time but not dispersing further. Epecozoids are species that have occupied anthropogenic biotopes and are continuously dispersing. Negative influence of the alien species on the aboriginal malacological fauna is recorded but that does not diminish the terrestrial species diversity in this area yet.

Адвентивные виды наземной малакофауны центра Русской равнины
Шиков Е.В.;
pp. 171 -

The nomen “Pisidium zoctanum Poli, 1876” was ambiguously used for some bivalve mollusk of the family Sphaeriidae inhabiting Karani-Koba Cave (Crimean Mountains, Karabi Massif). Literature and analysis of available museum material has shown that the nomen is not valid. This is due in part to the fact that this species has never been described and thus appears to be a ghost-taxon. To date, Euglesa crimeana Stadnichenko, 1980 is the only correctly established name for the sphaeriids from Karani-Koba Cave.

Pisidium zoctanum Poli, 1876” (Mollusca, Bivalvia) – таксон-призрак из крымской пещеры Карани-Коба
Варгович Р.С.; Анистратенко В.В. ;
shell traits; reproductive system; molecular markers; ISSR; 18S rDNA; 16S rDNA; COI; phylogeny;
pp. 175 -

The paper reveals high intra- and interspecific variability of conchological characters, features of the reproductive system, as well as ISSR- DNA markers in steppe snails Helicopsis spp. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata), that imposes certain restrictions on the use of these indicators for species identification. Therefore, these characters were supplemented by the sequences of the conservative fragments of nuclear and mitochondrial genes (18S rDNA, 16S rDNA and COI) with good taxonomic signal, which increased the accuracy of our phylogenetic reconstructions. It is demonstrated that along with Western European species Helicopsis striata, a previously unknown Helicopsis sp. inhabits territory of the Southern Mid-Russian Upland. This species is phylogenetically close to the Crimean group of species of this genus. It has been shown that the rate of mitochondrial genes evolution in different species of Helicopsis differ, with the highest value found in taxa with broad distribution range.

К проблеме систематики рода Helicopsis (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Hygromiidae) на территории Восточной Европы
Сычёв А.А.; Снегин Э.А.;
bivalves; species composition; Maliy Yugan River; Western Siberia;
pp. 191 -

The data on the fauna and distribution of Bivalvia in the Malyi Yugan River basin (Western Siberia, Tyumen Region) are provided. The aquatic malacofauna of this territory has not been studied previously. In 2013-2014, the Malyi Yugan River as well as seven its tributaries, two connected waterbodies, seven floodplain lakes and a singe moraine lake have been sampled. As a results, the data on average density and biomass of bivalves in the waterbodies, a list of 49 species belonging to 4 families, and a brief zoogeographical characteristic of the fauna are provided. The malacofauna of rivers whose drainage basins are situated in swampy areas proved to be rather specific due to unusual life conditions for molluscs. Some peculiarities of behavior of molluscs in different habitats are discussed. The species composition of bivalves in sampled by us rivers drastically differs between waterbodies.

Фауна и распределение двустворчатых моллюсков (Bivalvia) в бассейне р. Малый Юган (Среднее Приобье)
Андреев Н.И.; Андреева С.И.; Бабушкин Е.С.;
aestivation; epiphragm; shell aperture;
pp. 165 -

Aestivation is the state of dormancy that occurs in snails when the weather condition is harsh, either dry season or warm season. During this period, the giant African land snails form epiphragm, sealing the aperture of the shell which serves as water preservative strategies, preventing mechanical damage of the inner soft tissues. A study on the formation and mineral composition of the epiphragm in three species of giant African land snails namely: Achatina achatina, Achatina fulica and Archachatina marginata was carried out. Twenty matured snails were used for this experiment. They were induced into aestivation by withdrawing food and water. The snail weight, shell length, aperture length, and epiphragm weight were measured during aestivation as well as duration of epiphragm formation. The ionic concentration (calcium, iron and phosphorus) of the epiphragm was also analyzed. The morphometric analysis showed that A. marginata formed the heaviest epiphragm while the least was formed by A. fulica during aestivation. Analysis of the ions revealed that calcium was the most abundant ion in the epiphragm of the snails. Comparison of mean values reveals that A. achatina has the highest ionic composition in the epiphragm when compared to other species. Regression analysis (r2) revealed that a positive relationship existed between the aperture length and days for epiphragm formation (+0.62) on one hand and between weight of epiphragm formed and the days of its formation on the other hand (+0.77).

Формирование и состав эпифрагмы у трёх гигантских африканских улиток (Archachatina marginata, Achatina fulica и Achatina achatina)
pp. 1 -

This paper reports the systematics of the Clausiliidae species occurring in Son La Province, Vietnam. Specimens of 15 species and subspecies of Clausiliidae from Son La were investigated based on their shell characteristics. The subspecies Garnieria mouhoti nhuongi subsp. nov. was collected in Phu Yen, Muong Do, approximately 200 km NE of the type locality of the nominotypical subspecies Garnieria mouhoti mouhoti. This is the first species of genus Garnieria Bourguignat, 1877 from Vietnam.

Наземные брюхоногие семейства Clausiliidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) из Сон Ла, Вьетнам, с описанием нового подвид
До Д.С.; До В.Н.;
pp. 11 -

The results of investigation demonstrate that the eye of Succinea putris is adapted for vision in daytime under pretty high level of illumination.

Строение и оптические свойства камерного глаза брюхоногого легочного моллюска Succinea putris (Linnaeus, 1758) (Stylommatophora, Succineidae)
Шепелева И.П.;
pp. 15 -

The study of reproductive tract of the south-east Asian species Helix pernobilis Férussac, 1821 has shown that the species belongs to the genus Koratia Godwin-Austen 1919. The problem of taxonomic rank of the genus Koratia and its comparison with related taxa (Ariophanta and Hemiplecta) are briefly discussed.

Таксономическое положение Helix pernobilis Férussac 1821 и заметки о роде Koratia (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Ariophantidae)
Шилейко A.A.;
Bolotov I.; Bespalaya Y.; Aksenova O.; Bolotov N.; Gofarov M.; Kondakov A.; Spitsyn V.; Tumpeesuwan S.; Vikhrev I.;
Indawgyi Lake; freshwater clams; morphological characters;
pp. 19 -

Pisidium nevillianum Theobald, 1876, a common pea clam species that widely ranged from India to Indochina, was recorded in the Indawgyi Lake, Northern Myanmar for the first time. These specimens share the same or very similar 16S rRNA haplotypes as specimens from Nepal (geographic distance of over 1,400 km), which could reveal a high dispersal rate of the species, likely via water birds. Same high dispersal possibilities were observed for many other sphaeriid species.

Первая находка Pisidium nevillianum Theobald, 1876 (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) в Мьянме
Болотов И.; Беспалая Ю.; Аксенова O.; Болотов Н.; Гофаров M.; Кондаков A.; Спицын В.; Тумпеесуван С.; Вихрев И. ;
pp. 25 -

The article deals with the fauna of aquatic snails (Gastropoda) of the Nature Reserve (Zapovednik) “Malaya Sos’va” (Russia, Western Siberia, Tyumen Region). It is the first review of the zapovednik malacofauna ever published. 44 waterbodies of different types were samples in August of 2014, 16 species of Gastropoda belonging to four families has been registered. The annotated check-list of species along with brief zoogeographic characteristics of the fauna are provided. The fauna of aquatic snails of the “Malaya Sos’va” is impowerished as compared to other regions of Western Siberia. The possible factors caused this low taxonomic richness are discussed.

Брюхоногие моллюски (Gastropoda) водоемов заповедника «Малая Сосьва» (Западная Сибирь)
Винарский М.В.; Каримов А.В.;
pp. 37 -

The family Streptaxidae comprise 8 species and subspecies occurring in Son La, North-western Vietnam. The present paper provides data relevant to these species and the descriptions of two new species. Stemmatopsis nangphaiensis sp. nov. has an oblique-heliciform shell with elevated spire. The aperture is quadrangular with rounded angles, toothless, peristome is thick and slightly expanded. Stemmatopsis vanhoensis sp. nov. has a depressed-heliciform shell. The umbilicus is wide with long curvy furrow. The aperture is quadrangular and toothless, peristome is very thick and expanded.

Наземные брюхоногие моллюски семейства Streptaxidae J.Gray, 1860 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) из Сон-Ла, Вьетнам, с описанием двух новых видов
До Д.С.; До В.Н.;
pp. 45 -

Spermatophores of Oxyloma dunkeri (Zelebor in L. Pfeiffer, 1865) and O. elegans (Risso, 1826) are described for the first time.

Описание сперматофоров Oxyloma dunkeri (Zelebor in L. Pfeiffer, 1865) and Ox. elegans (Risso, 1826) (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Succineidae)
Шиков Е. В.;
pp. 51 -

Data on archaeomalacological samples from Nikolaevskoe I (Primorye), a medieval settlement of Bohai (Parhae) Empire period (VIII–X centuries) located in the Chuka and Ilistaya rivers valley, Khanka Lake water basin, and their interpretations, are presented. In total, 8 species of molluscs were found, including three freshwater (2 bivalves and 1 gastropod species) and five marine (4 bivalves and 1 gastropod) species. The majority of shell fragments collected in archaeological deposits belongs to the freshwater pearl mussels Dahurinaia dahurica (Middendorff, 1850). Among marine mollusks, bivalves Anadarainaequivalvis” (Bruguière, 1789) and Glycymeris yessoensis (Sowerby III, 1889) are predominant. Descriptions of shell peculiarities as related to human use are given. A comparison of valve teeth of modern and excavated fresh-water bivalves shows their identity. Ways of utilizations of mollusks by Bohai people are discussed. Shells from Bohai archaeological deposits in Primorye are illustrated for the first time in details.

Моллюски из средневекового городища Николаевское
Саенко Е.М.; Прокопец С.Д.; Лутаенко К.А.;