volume 34

volume 34 part 1

new species; new name; Buccinum kosyanae; Buccinum fedosovi;
pp. 1 -

The new species, Buccinum kosyanae sp. nov. is described from the Middle Kurile Islands. Previously the species was included in multigene molecular phylogeny of the genus [Kantor et al., 2022b] as B. cf. kobyakovae. The new name, B. fedosovi nom. nov. is proposed for Buccinum solidum Golikov et Sirenko, 1988, non Buccinum solidum Philippi, 1887.

Новый вид Buccinum (Neogastropoda: Buccinidae) с Курильских островов
Кантор Ю.И. ; Сиренко Б.И.;
Leptoplax duongi; Leptoplax unica; new species;
pp. 7 -

The paper deals with two species of chitons of the genus Leptoplax, L. unica and L duongae sp. nov. collected in the South China Sea off the Spratly Islands. The new species differs from morphologically similar species of the genus by the sculpture of the jugum, absence of notch on the anterior margin of apophyses of the tail valve, rounded shape of pustules of tegmentum and distinctly ribbed dorsal girdle spicules.

Моллюски рода Leptoplax (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) островов Спратли Южно-Китайского моря
Сиренко Б.И. ;
subepidermal spicules; spiculogenesis; rhinophore; tubercle; organogenesis;
pp. 15 -

Regenerative capabilities vary among different groups of invertebrates and despite being a highly abundant and diverse group of invertebrates with significant commercial and scientific value, gastropods remain relatively understudied in this respect. This work presents the first investigation of post–traumatic regeneration in the nudibranch mollusc Doridina, specifically focusing on Onchidoris muricata. Dorids have unique subepidermal calcite spicules that form a complex network inside the body. However, their capacity for complete or partial recovery, as well as the impact on regeneration of organs containing these spicules, has never been studied. We examined the regeneration of chemosensory organs (rhinophores) and dorsal body outgrowths (tubercle), both containing spicules and having different innervation. Our investigation explores three models of rhinophore regeneration: 1) after the removal of the apex and three lamellae of the rhinophore, 2) when the entire metameric lammelae part is removed, and 3) when the rhinophore is entirely excised. Additionally, two series of experiments were conducted to examine tubercle regeneration in the peribranchial region and in the rhinophore region. The study reveals varying regenerative abilities of these organs, likely linked to their different innervation patterns. Notably, we observed that the presence of the apex and spicules de novo synthesis influence the formation of the first rhinophore lamellae. The search for new patterns and mechanisms underlying the restoration of elements in the nervous system, muscular system, and solid skeleton can significantly contribute to our understanding of regenerative biology. This research expands our knowledge of nudibranch molluscs regeneration and the unique restoration of the subepidermal spicule complex. Furthermore, the regeneration of spicule-containing organs can be a model for studying the formation and structure of biomineralized structures, including their organic component.

Регенерация у дорид на примере Onchidoris muricata (Nudibranchia, Gastropoda, Mollusca)
Никитенко Е.Д.; Анисенко А.Н.; Ворцепнева Е.В.;

volume 34 part 2

Amur River; bivalve; Amuranodonta kijaensis; glochidia;
pp. 35 -

Information on distribution of protected freshwater bivalve Amuranodonta kijaensis (Bivalvia, Unionidae, Anodontinae) is being clarified. For the Amur Region, three new locations of the species are indicated: Yatsenkovo and Peresheechnoye lakes on the territory of the Khingan Nature Reserve and Zeya Reservoir at the Beregovoy settlement. First record of A. kijaensis near Chnyrrakh village (Nikolaevsky District, Khabarovsk Territory) confirms the presence of the species in the Lower Amur basin. Data on morphometric analysis of collected shells of adult mollusks is presented. Using scanning electron microscopy, morphology of glochidial shells with special focus on microsculpture of the outer valves structure is investigated.

Новые данные об охраняемом пресноводном двустворчатом моллюске Amuranodonta kijaensis Moskvicheva, 1973 (Unionidae, Anodontinae)
Саенко Е.М.; Балан И.В.; Гафицкая И.В.; Широкая А.А.;
North Pacific; Arctic; biogeography; phylogeny; integrative systematics; speciation;
pp. 49 -

We provide a morphological examination and a barcoding study to investigate the species identity and variation limits within the Cadlina laevis species complex. Our molecular analysis based on the COI marker revealed seven new clades in the North-West Pacific Cadlina diversity. The distances between these clades are low in some cases (2.08-7.51% overall), and the species delimitation tests gave controversial results (1, 2, 13, 14 groups, depending on the analysis method). This does not allow to conclusively classify this diversity as interspecific or intraspecific. Morphological analysis showed a significant similarity of all examined groups, with minor differences found in the morphology of the central tooth of the radula and the reproductive system. However, these variations fit into the morphological variability of the North Atlantic species Cadlina laevis s.str. and cannot serve as evidence of the isolation of these identified groups. The discovered diversity may represent both a complex of at least 11 very close and cryptic species with not well-established species boundaries, or be a part of a single amphiboreal species Cadlina laevis s.l. This indicates an extremely complex evolutionary history of Cadlina laevis species complex, making this group is an interesting model object for studying speciation in boreal and Arctic communities.

Пятьдесят оттенков белого: морфологическое и молекулярное разнообразие комплекса видов Cadlina laevis (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) в северо-западной Пацифике
Екимова И.А.; Гришина Д.Ю.; Вальдес А.; Антохина Т.И.; Чичвархина О.В.; Щепетов Д.М.;
North-West Pacific; integrative systematics; biodiversity; phylogeny; biogeography; Mollusca; Gastropoda;
pp. 69 -

In this paper we investigate a collection of nudibranch molluscs from Sakhalin Is. by means of integrative taxonomy, including morphological analyses, and molecular data from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, 16S rRNA, Histone H3 and 28S rRNA markers. Material used in this study was collected during two independent research programs: the expedition of the R/V “Akademic Oparin” (Russia) to the Sea of Okhotsk, July 2019 at depths of 38–282 m, and the survey of Cape Crillon biodiversity in August 2023, at depths of 0.5–20 m. Our integrative results revealed clear cases of the unknown diversity within some groups of the nudibranch molluscs. Among the dorid nudibranchs, the new species Adalaria boussoleana sp. nov. is described and differs in morphological and molecular characters from other species of the genus. Also, among specimens of the genus Cadlina we have detected two genetically distinct groups, one is close to C. umiushi and another group likely represents a new species for science. Their morphology is similar to the diagnosis of C. umiushi and may represent a case of true cryptic diversity. Among the cladobranch molluscs our results revealed a new species of the genus Cuthonella described herein under the name Cuthonella anastasia sp. nov. Four species are recorded for Sakhalin Is. waters for the first time: Cadlina umiushi, Onchimira cavifera, Eubranchus rupium and E. alexeii. After this paper, the total nudibranch fauna of Sakhalin Is. includes 21 species. Although we have limited numbers of nudibranch species in Sakhalin waters due to low sampling effort, a comparison of the biogeographic affinities of species from different regions is consistent with the presence of a biogeographic boundary between northeastern and southwestern Sakhalin.

Голожаберные моллюски острова Сахалин, северо-западная часть Тихого океана: новые находки и описание двух новых видов
Екимова И.А.; Гришина Д.Ю.; Никитенко Е.Д.;
Irtysh River basin; range expansion; morphology; ecology; abundance; biomass;
pp. 93 -

Juvenile and subadult individuals of the Painter’s mussel Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1788) were recorded in dredge samples from the Om’ River in the Omsk City (southwestern part of Western Siberia). Information on the size-weight characteristics of U. pictorum from the site, its abundance and biomass are given. Possible consequences of the introduction of this neobiotic species into aquatic ecosystems of the Irtysh River basin are discussed.

Находка моллюска Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Bivalvia: Unionidae) в реке Омь (Западная Сибирь)
Андреева С.И.;

volume 34 part 3

Zvonareva S.S.; Deart Yu.V.; Lischenko F.V.; Dinh H.T.Y.; Nguyen T.T.; Mekhova E.S.;
geometric morphometry; predation risk; octocorals; phenotypic plasticity; Ovulidae; turbidity;
pp. 99 -

This study investigates the shell variability of Phenacovolva rosea, a symbiotic gastropod inhabiting octocorals, in relation to geographical location and host coral species. We analyzed shells from 53 adult specimens collected at three locations in the north of Vietnam and one in the vicinities of Nha Trang City (southern Vietnam).

To describe the shells' outlines, elliptical Fourier descriptors were applied. Based on the shell outline data, principal component analysis was performed. Additionally, height and width of P. rosea shells were measured. Only the first two principal components were effective, with the first principal component accounting for 92.8% of the variation. It closely correlated with width-to-height ratio of shells. According to dispersion analysis (ANOVA), shells in Nha Trang were significantly slimmer with longer terminal processes compared to those from the three northern locations. The coral host species also impacted shell shape when considering the entire dataset. However, this difference may have stemmed from shell variations between locations, as coral composition is not independent of location. When regional samples were analyzed separately, no significant impact of the host was detected.

The factors that differed between northern locations and Nha Trang were then discussed, along with the mechanisms underlying their influence. We suggest that predation risk, influenced by water turbidity, is greater in the clearer waters of Nha Trang. This increased predator pressure may explain the presence of long terminals on P. rosea shells found in Nha Trang, potentially providing protection against some fish predators. Furthermore, the shorter and wider shells found in northern locations may be advantageous in waters with higher current speeds, whereas the long-teminal shells with narrow apertures observed in Nha Trang may be better suited for slower currents. The climate disparity, encompassing temperature and salinity mediated through precipitation, could also potentially influence shell morphology. However, the underlying mechanism remains unclear due to the complex nature of these interactions and the scarcity of literature data.

Isolating host-specific shell shape traits from other factors proved challenging, given the close association between host species composition and location. Laboratory experiments modeling each factor independently may provide a solution to this issue.

Изменчивость формы раковины симбиотического брюхоного моллюска Phenacovolva rosea во Вьетнаме
Звонарева С.С.; Деарт Ю.В.; Лищенко Ф.В.; Динь Йен Х.Т.; Нгуйен Ту Т.; Мехова Е.С.;
Bespalaya Yu.V.; Aksenova O.V.; Aksenov A.S.; Bovykina G.V.; Kondakov A.V.; Kropotin A.V.; Soboleva A.A.; Sokolova S.E.; Travina O.V.;
Aeshna juncea; Callicorixa sp.; Euglesa; phoresy; passive dispersal;
pp. 111 -

The present study reports the first observation of Euglesa globularis peaclams attached to dragonfly nymph Aeshna juncea, and E. parvula attached to the leg of the water boatmen nymph Callicorixa sp. from the Kolyma River basin in eastern Siberia (Asiatic Russia). It has been shown that the aquatic insects may play a potential role in the dispersal of bivalves both locally within one and between different water bodies.

Зоохорное расселение пресноводных моллюсков (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae): потенциальная роль водяных насекомых
Беспалая Ю.В.; Аксенова О.В.; Аксёнов А.С.; Бовыкина Г.В.; Соболева А.А.; Кондаков А.В.; Кропотин А.В.; Соколова С.Е.; Травина О.В.;
pp. 117 -

For the first time carnivorous bivalve mollusc Cuspidaria trosaetes Dall, 1925 was recorded in the north-western Sea of Japan. There was only one species of Cuspidaria, C. ascoldica, previously known in this region. Alive specimens of C. trosaetes were collected in the Tatarsky Strait on the continental slope on muddy sediment at the depths of 531–589 m. Stomach contents of C. trosaetes consist of foraminifers, copepods and rissoid gastropods. Cuspidaria trosaetes was selected as a type species of a monotypic subgenus C. (Nordoneaera) Okutani, 1985, which is now considered a separate genus, based on the presence of a thick shell without sculpture and with thick periostracum, as well as a short rostrum. The first obtained data on anatomy of C. trosaetes suggest its close affinity with the type species of the genus Cuspidaria, C. cuspidata. Cuspidaria trosaetes and C. cuspidata share such features as the presence of 5 pairs of septal pores, thin elongated posterior labial palps and the presence of two rows of papillae on the rim of the common siphonal sheath. Taking into account new data we propose to synonymize the monotypic genus Nordoneaera with the genus Cuspidaria.

Новые находки Cuspidaria trosaetes Dall, 1925 (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Cuspidariidae) в Японском море с замечаниями о роде Nordoneaera
Колпаков Е.В.; БОЙКО М.И.; САФОНОВА Л.А.; Крылова Е.М.;