Bespalaya Yu.V.; Aksenova O.V.; Aksenov A.S.; Bovykina G.V.; Kondakov A.V.; Kropotin A.V.; Soboleva A.A.; Sokolova S.E.; Travina O.V.;
Aeshna juncea; Callicorixa sp.; Euglesa; phoresy; passive dispersal;
pp. 111 -

The present study reports the first observation of Euglesa globularis peaclams attached to dragonfly nymph Aeshna juncea, and E. parvula attached to the leg of the water boatmen nymph Callicorixa sp. from the Kolyma River basin in eastern Siberia (Asiatic Russia). It has been shown that the aquatic insects may play a potential role in the dispersal of bivalves both locally within one and between different water bodies.

Зоохорное расселение пресноводных моллюсков (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae): потенциальная роль водяных насекомых
Беспалая Ю.В.; Аксенова О.В.; Аксёнов А.С.; Бовыкина Г.В.; Соболева А.А.; Кондаков А.В.; Кропотин А.В.; Соколова С.Е.; Травина О.В.;