morphological properties; pulmonate mollusks;
pp. 95 -

In terrestrial pulmonate gastropods Cochlodina laminata, Monachoides incarnata, Helicigona lapicida, Arianta arbustorum, Cepaea hortensis, Trochulus hispidus and Succinea putris, the morphological properties of the pupil of camera-like eyes were studied for the first time: location, spatial orientation, change in spatial orientation, structure, shape, shape change, relative size, change in relative size. Several methods were used in the work: making of preparations of isolated eyes, making of histological preparations of eyes, light microscopy, morphometric analysis, statistical analysis, calculations. All the studied morphological properties of the pupil of the camera-like eyes of C. laminata, M. incarnata, H. lapicida, A. arbustorum, C. hortensis and T. hispidus are similar to the analogous morphological properties of the pupil of the camera-like eyes of other species of terrestrial pulmonates. One of the studied morphological properties of the pupil of the camera-like eye of S. putris – the relative size – differs from the analogous morphological property of the pupil of the camera-like eyes of other species of terrestrial pulmonates.

Зрачок камерных глаз наземных брюхоногих моллюсков (Heterobranchia, Stylommatophora)
Шепелева И.П.;
Vinarski M.V.; Stojko T.G.; Komarova E.V.; Aksenova O.V.; Kondakov A.V.; Khrebtova I.S.;
pp. 105 -

The article reports the finding of a population of freshwater snails morphologically and genetically identified as Ladislavella cf. terebra (Westerlund, 1885), in a reservoir situated in Penza City. This is the first reliable record of representatives of the genus Ladislavella on the territory of European Russia, at a considerable distance from the previously known boundaries of its range. Molecular data suggest that the examined population belongs to the previously unknown species of Ladislavella. The morphoanatomic and ecological characteristics of the studied population and some information about parasites and commensals of mollusсs are given.

Первое молекулярное подтверждение обитания рода Ladislavella (Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae) в европейской части России
Винарский М.В.; Стойко Т. Г.; Комарова Е.В.; Аксенова О.В.; Кондаков А.В.; Хребтова И.С.;
Clausiliidae; juvenile; shell; identification; fauna; area; habitat; distribution;
pp. 115 -

This study examines and provides illustrations of the diagnostic shell characteristics of juvenile and adult of Crimean clausiliids Balea perversa. The study demonstrates that the distinctive sculpture and shape of the shells make it possible to accurately differentiate Balea perversa. Additionally, the study includes information on previous references in the literature and recent findings of Balea perversa in the Crimea region, including a discovery on the Southern Demerdzhi Yayla in 2002. The study confirms the reliability of at least the last finding.

О достоверности находок Balea perversa (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) в Крыму
Леонов С. В.;
pp. 121 -

Chicomurex kozlovi sp. nov., collected from the Saya de Malha Bank in the Mascarene Plateau, Western Indian Ocean, is described and illustrated. The holotype was sampled at a depth of 200 m during the expedition of R/V Gordy in 1989, while paratypes 1 and 2 were trawled from a depth of 100-200 m by research-fishery boats during the eighties. Chicomurex kozlovi sp. nov. is compared with morphologically similar congeneric species.

Новый вид рода Chicomurex (Gastropoda, Muricidae) с банки Сайя де Малья, западная часть Индийского океана
Бондарев И.П.;
pp. 129 -

The taxonomic and biogeographical composition of gastropod molluscs in the antique part of the fund collection of the State Historical and Archaeological museum-preserve Tauric Chersonese was diagnosed and analyzed. The complex of molluscs includes species from the Black Sea, Mediterranean, and Indo-Pacific groups. The shells of the European horn of Triton Charonia seguenzae were found only in Chersonese. To establish probable trade links between Chersonese and the Scythian-Sarmatian and Goth-Alanian worlds, the studied mollusc complex has been compared with archaeological finds in the Crimea and beyond. The biogeographical composition of mollusc complexes from the archaeological layers of Chersonese and "barbarian" necropolises has been shown to be identical, indicating the unity of the sources and the import route of shells.

Раковины морских брюхоногих моллюсков из культурных слоев и некрополя Херсонеса Таврического как трассеры торговых и культурных связей в античное время
Бондарев И.П.; Букатов А.А.; Вахонеев В.В.;
conchological features; geometric morphometry;
pp. 137 -

The aquatic gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis exhibits a high variability of conchological features. To assess the degree of variation in the size and shape of the shell in the populations of this species inhabiting the Central Russian Upland, a comparative analysis was carried out using the methods of classical and geometric morphometry. A pairwise comparison of populations using the Post-hoc test for perMANOVA has shown that when using geometric morphometry, there were more statistically significant differences between the groups of snails compared than when using classical conchiometric analysis. In addition, the pattern of distribution of populations by groups during clusterization differed significantly when using different morphometric methods. We believe that the methods of geometric morphometry, which make it possible to give an integral characteristic of the shell, are better suited for understanding the patterns of microevolutionary processes in populations of gastropods, as well as studying the ecological characteristics of species. Nevertheless, in order to prevent the loss of important conchiometric data that can be used for species identification and assessment of intra- and inter-population variability, when using geometric morphometry, it is also important to take into account the absolute dimensional characteristics of the object of study.

Оценка изменчивости конхиологических признаков Lymnaea stagnalis с использованием методов классической и геометрической морфометрии
Снегин Э.А.; Юсупов С.Р.; Юсупова А.Ю.;
pp. 149 -

A revision of Black Sea chitons of the genus Lepidochitona has been conducted. The revision revealed new features of intrageneric similarity and differences of Black Sea species as well as with Mediterranean species. Species similarity of Black Sea and Mediterranean representatives of Lepidochitona cinerea is confirmed. A new species L. bondarevi sp. nov. is described. Previously its specimens were attributed erroneously to L. caprearum. The new species differs from L. caprearum in having a less broad head valve, shorter apophyses, a much longer postmucronal area on the tail valve, 7–8 longitudinal grooves around the upper half of dorsal girdle spicules and smooth dorsal girdle needles.

Lepidochitona bondarevi sp. nov. (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) из Черного моря и его родственники
Сиренко Б. И.;
invasiveness; shell formation; morphometric ratios; index of roundness;
pp. 167 -

Molluscs of the genus Corbicula, first discovered in the lower Don River (Novocherkasskaya TPP warm channel area) in 2017, were identified as Corbicula fluminea based on their conchological features.  The aim of the present work was to obtain new data on morphometry and peculiarities of shell-shape forming of molluscs of this species from the Don River in ontogenesis. Using the main morphometric parameters of the shell – length (L), width (D) and height (H) – changes in its frontal (D/L), sagittal (H/L) curvature (=Index of Roundness), convexity ((H+D)/L) and conditional volume (H×D×L/1000) indices during ontogeny were shown. The relevant equations of dependencies are given. The conclusion was made about the interval type of changes in the indicated curvature indices, which determine the corresponding changes in the relative volume of the shells in ontogenesis.. Their graphs have a dome-shaped character with reaching values in the range of shell lengths 15–25 mm, reliably exceeding similar values in the intervals up to 15 and more than 25 mm. Sexual maturation and the onset of reproduction of molluscs occurs at the stage of increasing relative shell volume. This strategy of shell formation, aimed at creating the maximum internal relative volume of the shell during the period of gonad formation, especially in the androgenic C. fluminea, which incubates larvae, may be one of the characteristics that determine the reproductive capacity of the species and, consequently, its invasiveness.

Особенности аллометрического роста двустворчатого моллюска-вселенца Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia: Cyrenidae) из бассейна реки Дон
Живоглядова Л.А.; Ревков Н.К.; Гуськова О.С.; Шкоркин Р.А; Хренкин Д.В.;
terrestrial snail; Stenomphalia; Caucasus region;
pp. 1 -

Additional material collected in September 2019 made it possible to clarify the range of conchological variability of Harmozica zangezurica recently described from the Syunik region of Armenia, which largely overlaps with that of Harmozica pisiformis thus rendering impossible the reliable identification of empty shells. At the same time the stability has been proven of a diagnostic feature of H. zangezurica – very long vaginal appendages whose length is approximately equal to the total length of the penis and epiphallus,. This character allows reliable distinguishing of H. zangezurica not only from the conchologically similar species H. pisiformis, but also from other representatives of the genus Harmozica. Some data on the ecology and life cycle of H. zangezurica were obtained.

Harmozica zangezurica (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Hygromiidae) – криптический вид наземных моллюсков с юга Армении
Гураль-Сверлова Н. В.; Гураль Р. И;
Unionidae; glochidia; SEM preparation;
pp. 7 -

Mature glochidia of freshwater bivalves can give additional features for taxonomic revisions. To study morphology of glochidia with the scanning electron microscope (SEM), special collecting techniques, storage and preparation are required. Based on extensive personal experience, an overview of various techniques is presented, both positive and negative. The interactions of chemicals used for the storage of glochidia and dissolution of glochidial tissue are described. Techniques for cleaning and mounting the glochidial shells of Unionidae for investigations by SEM are described and compared.

Методика подготовки раковин глохидиев (Bivalvia, Unionidae) для работы на сканирующем электронном микроскопе
Саенко Е.М.; Казарин В.М.;
alien molluscs; population structure; Central Russian Upland; Hygromiidae; Enidae;
pp. 21 -

Studying of the demographic characteristics of populations of alien species at the stage of expansion makes it possible to assess their invasive potential. Field studies of alien terrestrial gastropods Xeropicta derbentina (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Hygromiidae), Brephulopsis cylindrica (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Enidae) and Harmozica ravergiensis (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Hygromiidae) have been carried out in Belgorod city, the southern part of the Central Russian Upland (Russia). All studied species are native to the Black Sea region and the Caucasus; in the southern part of the Central Russian Upland, they have been registered over the past ten years. The population density, demographic structure, and spatial structure have been analyzed for three years of observations (2017, 2019, 2020). During this period, the changes in the population density have been noted for all studied species. The most pronounced changes have been observed in X. derbentina, whose population density has significantly decreased, and the spatial structure has changed from clustered type to random distribution. In addition, the age structure of X. derbentina population had a pronounced change at the beginning of the snail activity season of 2020.

The expansion of the other two invaders, B. cylindrica and H. ravergiensis, is proved as more successful. At the same time, H. ravergiensis is distributed throughout the city. This species has stable population density and random type of spatial population structure on most sites. B. cylindrica has the highest population density: in 2020, it has reached 406 ind./m2 on average, with the maximum of 1215 ind./m2. Meantime, the species keeps the clustered spatial structure, which is explained by both high population density and adaptation to the arid conditions of its natural range.

Демографическая и пространственная структура популяций некоторых чужеродных видов наземных моллюсков на территории Белгорода (Среднерусская возвышенность)
Адамова В.В.; Украинский П.А.; Крымская О.В.;
North-West Pacific; Coryphellidae; integrative systematics; biodiversity; pseudocryptic species; species delimitation;
pp. 41 -

A new species of the family Coryphellidae, Coryphella alexanderi sp. nov. is described based on specimens collected in the Kuril Islands, North-West Pacific, from the upper sublittoral to 200 m depth. An integrative analysis was conducted, including a molecular phylogenetic analysis based on four markers (COI, 16S, H3, 28S), an automatic species delimitation method ABGD, and an analysis of the external and internal morphology using light and scanning electron microcopy. The distinctiveness of Coryphella alexanderi sp. nov. is well established both morphologically and genetically, and it differs from externally similar species in radular characters. Phylogenetically Coryphella alexanderi sp. nov. is closely related to Coryphella trophina, which occurs sympatrically in the same geographic and bathymetric ranges. Coryphella alexanderi sp. nov. appears to be restricted to the middle and northern Kuril Islands, which is consistent with the high numbers of endemic taxa in this area.

Новый вид рода Coryphella (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) из прибрежных вод Курильских островов
Екимова И.А.;
Istria; Ruthenica filograna pocaterrae; new subspecies;
pp. 49 -

On the territory of Republic of Croatia a new subspecies of land snails of the clausiliid genus Ruthenica has been found. Illustrated description is presented. New subspecies differs from other in shell shape, semi-apostrophic aperture and sculpture pattern.

Новый подвид Ruthenica filograna (Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) из Хорватии
Егоров Р.В.;
schoolmaster gonate squid; species; subspecies; taxonomy; Bivalvia) from the Sea of Japan;
pp. 53 -

Two subspecies of the schoolmaster gonate squid Berryteuthis magister (Berry, 1913) have been described to date: B. magister nipponensis Okutani et Kubodera, 1987 from the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan and Sea of Japan, and B. magister shevtsovi Katugin, 2000 from the Sea of Japan. The gonatid species Gonatus septemdentatus Sasaki, 1915, which was later recognized as a junior synonym of B. magister, was also described from the Sea of Japan. Comparisons among these three taxa and with the nominative subspecies using morphological and ecological features suggest that individuals of the genus Berryteuthis inhabiting the Sea of Japan belong to the species B. septemdentatus (Sasaki, 1915), which should be considered the valid name for this taxon.

Таксономическое положение кальмаров рода Berryteuthis Naef, 1921 (Gonatidae, Oegopsida) из Японского моря
Алексеев Д.О.; Катугин О.Н.; Бизиков В.А.;
replacement name;
pp. 60 -

The new replacement name Takashius nom. nov. is proposed to solve the homonymy between the fasciolariid genus Okutanius Kantor et al., 2018 and the hymenopteran genus Okutanius D.R. Smith, 1981.

Takashius nom. nov. (Neogastropoda: Buccinoidea: Fasciolariidae), замещающее название для Okutanius Kantor et al., 2018 non D.R. Smith, 1981
Кантор Ю.И.; Федосов А.Э.; СНАЙДЕР М.А.; БУШЕ Ф.;
Gastropoda; type series; taxonomy; synonymy; Neritidae;
pp. 61 -

The nominal species name “Theodoxus dniestroviensis” was commonly accepted as introduced by Put’ in 1972 for neritid snails occurring in the upper part of the Dniester River basin. Currently an earlier publication [Put’, 1957] has been found in which this name is established in accordance with the ICZN guidelines, so the dating should be amended to Put’, 1957.

The type series of Theodoxus dniestroviensis is apparently lost but the samples from the type locality were recently traced in the National Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev). An illustrated comparison of topotypic specimens with other morphotypes of regional river nerites is provided. Given the variation in conchological characteristics observed among the specimens of Th. fluviatilis, we consider Th. dniestroviensis to range within its intraspecific variability. This makes Th. dniestroviensis a junior subjective synonym of Theodoxus fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758).

Название брюхоногого моллюска “Theodoxus dniestroviensis Put’, 1972” является младшим субъективным синонимом Th. fluviatilis (L., 1758): решение на основе изучения топотипов
Анистратенко О.Ю.; Дегтяренко Е.В.; Осипова Д.С.; Максименко Ю.В.; Анистратенко В.В.;
terrestrial snail; introduced species; alien species; bioinvasion;
pp. 69 -

The first record of the eastern Mediterranean species Monacha claustralis in Western Ukraine is described, where it was found in one urban habitat of Lviv together with a conchologically similar Monacha cartusiana. Based on the results of our research and literature data, the reliability of some anatomical criteria that can be used to differentiate M. claustralis and M. cartusiana has been analyzed. A considerable variability in the length and shape of the vagina in M. cartusiana in Western Ukraine has been demonstrated, which may cause the erroneous identification of some specimens of this species as M. claustralis. The pattern of the present distribution of M. cartusiana in Western Ukraine are also characterized.

Monacha claustralis и M. cartusiana (Gastropoda, Hygromiidae) – два криптических вида антропохорных наземных моллюсков на западе Украины
Гураль-Сверлова Н.В.; Гураль Р.И.;
Russian Maritime Territory; R/V Akademik Oparin;
pp. 81 -

Boreotrophon oparini sp. nov., found in the Sea of Japan, off Russian Maritime Territory, is described and illustrated. The type material was sampled at a depth of 40 m (holotype) and 110 m (paratype) during the 64th expedition of R/V Akademik Oparin. Boreotrophon oparini sp. nov. is compared with the sympatric B. candelabrum and other congeneric species.

Новый вид рода Boreotrophon P. Fischer, 1884 (Gastropoda, Muricidae, Pagodulinae) из Японского моря
Бондарев И.П.;
SoJaBio Expedition; microgastropods; Alvania;
pp. 85 -

Examination of unsorted microgastropod samples collected during the joint Russia-German research “Sea of Japan Biodiversity Studies (SoJaBio) Expedition” in 2010 and preserved in the National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, resulted in the finding of six species of the family Rissoidae. Among them, “Alvanianihonkaiensis Hasegawa, 2014 is newly recorded both in Russian waters and on the northern slope of the Sea of Japan, and Punctulum reticulatum Golikov, 1986 was rediscovered for the first time since its original description. Geographical and vertical distributions of each species and their significance are updated and discussed.

Батиальные Rissoidae (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) российского дальневосточного побережья Японского моря, с переописанием Punctulum reticulatum Golikov, 1986
Хасегава К.;
land molluscs; bioinvasion; invasive species; Eastern Europe;
pp. 93 -

New data on the records of synanthropic slug species of Limacus maculatus and Arion vulgaris in Belarus are analyzed. It is assumed that the penetration of these species into the territory of Belarus occurred from other parts of their modern range together with the imported goods.

Новые находки синантропных слизней Limacus maculatus и Arion vulgaris (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Stylommatophora) в Беларуси
Островский А.М.;