Volume 24

Volume 24 Part 1

pp. 1 -

The patterns of the migration activity of 43 species of land snails and slugs were analyzed on the basis of both original and literature data. Different species of terrestrial mollusks demonstrate significant intra- and interspecific differences in their migratory abilities. During short-term experiments, the distance from release point was determined mainly by displacement of individuals by random (Brownian) motion. Random events of passive dispersal of the snails (homing) were observed in the course of the long-term experiments lasting several years. The possibility of passive dispersal of terrestrial mollusks by means of different mechanisms (anemochory, hydrochory, zoochory and anthropochory) has been shown. Two distinct spatial scales in the process of the terrestrial mollusks invasion (transcontinental and intra-continental) were distinguished. Most cases of transcontinental invasion represent mainly the transfer of European species to Africa, North and South America, and Australia.

Активная и пассивная миграция наземных моллюсков: обзор
Крамаренко С. С.;
pp. 15 -

The data on distribution of molluscs of the genus Digyrcidum Locard, 1882 in waterbodies of the Urals and Western Siberia are given. A new species, Digyrcidum starobogatovi Andreeva et Lazutkina, sp. nov., is described. This species inhabits waterbodies of the Urals and Western Siberia cojointly with the species Digyrcidum bouguirgnati (Paladilhe, 1869).

Моллюски рода Digyrcidum Locard, 1882 (Gastropoda, Pectinibranchia) в водоемах Западной Сибири и Урала
Лазуткина Е.А.; Андреева С.И.; Андреев Н.И. ;
pp. 25 -

It is established that all reports of Oxychilus diaphanellus outside of Crimea were based on an erroneous identification of Oxychilus translucidus. The differences between these two species, as well as those between O. translucidus and some other species of Oxychilinae in Ukraine, are discussed.

Встречался ли Oxychilus diaphanellus вне Крыма? Об изменчивости синантропного Oxy­chilus translucidus в Украине (Stylommatophora, Zonitidae)
Балашёв И.; Гураль-Сверлова Н. ;
Aeromonas; Pseudomonas; Listeria;
pp. 31 -

The present investigation was undertaken to study a shell disease of the freshwater snail, Pila globosa. Observations were made in June-July in four consecutive years. The disease first appears as blisters in the periostracum and then, once the periostracum is lost from these lesions, dissolution of the underlying calcified layer. The numerically predominant bacterial genera in the lesions included Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Escherichia and Listeria. Communication describes this previously unreported shell disease, which may be a health problem in apple snails.

Заболевание раковины у индийской ампуллярии (Ampullariidae: Pila globosa)
Аджеш К.; Сриджит К. ;
pp. 35 -

Lymnaea (Stagnicola) likharevi Lazareva, 1967 and Lymnaea (Stagnicola) saridalensis Mozley, 1934 – two closely allied lymnaeid species that inhabit Western Siberia and, in many cases, may co-occur in the same habitat. A detailed study of conchological and anatomical variation of the two species from seven syntopic samples has shown that these are non-diagnosable since there is no morphological hiatus to separate them. A new synonymy is established: L. likharevi is a junior synonym of L. saridalensis. The data on the type series of the studied species as well of Lymnaea draveri Mozley, 1934 are provided.

Lymnaea likharevi Lazareva, 1967 – младший синоним Lymnaea saridalensis Mozley, 1934 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Lymnaeidae)
Винарский М.В.;
pp. 45 -

Several species of freshwater snails are for the first time registered from the waterbodies of the central part European Russia (Moscow Region and adjacent areas) based upon own author’s samplings and museum collections. These are: Lymnaea (Corvusiana) corvus (Gmelin, 1791), Lymnaea (Corvusiana) gueretiniana (Servain, 1881), L. (S.) archangelica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1986, L. (S.) fusca (C. Pfeiffer, 1821) sensu Kruglov, 2005, L. (S.) callomphala (Servain, 1881), L. (Peregriana) fulva (Küster, 1862), Anisus (Costorbis) strauchianus (Clessin, 1886), Physa taslei Bourguignat, 1862, and Pseudosphaerium pseudosphaerium (Favre, 1927). The data on their ecology and distribution in the region are given alongside with diagnostic characters, taxonomic and nomenclatorial remarks. This newly obtained information is useful for more exact zoogeographical characterization of the region. It has been shown that the malacofauna of the upper Volgian drainage basin is, possibly, not so zoogeographically peculiar as it was considered earlier.

Новые данные о пресноводной малакофауне центра Европейской России и распространении некоторых видов пресноводных моллюсков
Палатов Д.М.; Винарский М.В.;

Volume 24 Part 2

pp. 65 -

Leptochiton muelleri Sirenko and Schwabe ( 2011) was known from only 7 specimens found near Sri Lanka. The author in 2010-2014 in Vietnamese waters collected the species from South to North Vietnam. Leptochiton muelleri turned out to be a very wide spread Vietnamese species, found from Con Dao Id. (08º39’N) to Van Don (21º02’N). This minute species was found by using a new method of collecting, described by Sirenko (2012). It is expected that the species will have a wide distribution into the Indo West Pacific Region.

Новые находки мелкого хитона рода Leptochiton (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) во Вьетнамских водах
Сиренко Б. И. ;
pp. 75 -

Annotated check-list of shell-bearing Gastropoda of Murman Coast (Barents Sea Coast of Kola Peninsula) is presented. Based on original material collected in 1996-2013 and literature data 148 species are recorded for the region. Nine species: Skenea rugulosa (G.O. Sars, 1878), Aclis sarsi Dautzenberg et Fischer, 1912, Admete clivicola Høisæter, 2010, Nassarius incrassatus (Strøm, 1768), Raphitoma leufroyi (Michaud, 1828), Taranis moerchi (Malm, 1861), Ondina divisa (J. Adams, 1797), Menestho albula (Fabricius, 1780), Bogasonia volutoides Warén, 1989 were absent in previous reviews of Russian molluscan fauna. Three species with unclear taxonomical position are listed: Skenea cf. trochoides, Omalogyra cf. atomus and Chrysallida sp. A majority of species found in Murman waters have a boreal distribution and are typical for northern European fauna. References to previous studies based on material from Murman Coast as well as original records are listed for each species, some remarkable species are depicted and discussed.

Морские раковинные брюхоногие моллюски Мурмана (Баренцево море): аннотированый список видов
Нехаев И.О. ;
pp. 123 -

A comparative analysis of the camera eyes of gastropod pulmonate mollusks Trochulus hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the South Sweden and Kaliningrad Region was carried out on the basis of own and published data. It was demonstrated that the mollusks’ eyes have common structure but different size, and their principle components have more similarities in morphological and optical properties than in anatomical parameters.

Сравнительный анализ камерных глаз брюхоногих легочных моллюсков Trochulus hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) из Южной Швеции и Калининградской области (Stylommatophora, Hygromiidae)
Шепелева И.П.;
pp. 129 -

The genus Retifusus was revised on the basis of conchological characters, radular morphology, foregut and stomach anatomy. Ten previously described and one new species are recognized as valid: R. jessoensis (Schrenck, 1863 in 1862-63), R. virens (Dall, 1877), R. olivaceus (Bartsch, 1929), R. laticingulatus (Golikov et Gulbin, 1977), R. roseus (Dall, 1877), R. parvus (Tiba, 1981), R. attenuatus (Golikov et Gulbin, 1977), R. similis (Golikov et Gulbin, 1977), R. iturupus (Golikov et Sirenko, 1998), R. latericeus (Möller, 1842), and R. latiplicatus sp. nov. Chrysodomus brunneus Dall, 1877 was synonymized with R. jessoensis; Bela yanamii Yokoyama, 1926 – with R. virens; Plicifusus saginatus Tiba, 1980 and Retifusus semiplicatus Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985 – with R. parvus.

Ревизия рода Retifusus Dall, 1916 (Gastropoda: Buccinidae)
Косьян А.Р.; Кантор Ю.И.;