Volume 32

Volume 32, part 2

schoolmaster gonate squid; species; subspecies; taxonomy; Bivalvia) from the Sea of Japan;
pp. 53 -

Two subspecies of the schoolmaster gonate squid Berryteuthis magister (Berry, 1913) have been described to date: B. magister nipponensis Okutani et Kubodera, 1987 from the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan and Sea of Japan, and B. magister shevtsovi Katugin, 2000 from the Sea of Japan. The gonatid species Gonatus septemdentatus Sasaki, 1915, which was later recognized as a junior synonym of B. magister, was also described from the Sea of Japan. Comparisons among these three taxa and with the nominative subspecies using morphological and ecological features suggest that individuals of the genus Berryteuthis inhabiting the Sea of Japan belong to the species B. septemdentatus (Sasaki, 1915), which should be considered the valid name for this taxon.

Таксономическое положение кальмаров рода Berryteuthis Naef, 1921 (Gonatidae, Oegopsida) из Японского моря
Алексеев Д.О.; Катугин О.Н.; Бизиков В.А.;
replacement name;
pp. 60 -

The new replacement name Takashius nom. nov. is proposed to solve the homonymy between the fasciolariid genus Okutanius Kantor et al., 2018 and the hymenopteran genus Okutanius D.R. Smith, 1981.

Takashius nom. nov. (Neogastropoda: Buccinoidea: Fasciolariidae), замещающее название для Okutanius Kantor et al., 2018 non D.R. Smith, 1981
Кантор Ю.И.; Федосов А.Э.; СНАЙДЕР М.А.; БУШЕ Ф.;
Gastropoda; type series; taxonomy; synonymy; Neritidae;
pp. 61 -

The nominal species name “Theodoxus dniestroviensis” was commonly accepted as introduced by Put’ in 1972 for neritid snails occurring in the upper part of the Dniester River basin. Currently an earlier publication [Put’, 1957] has been found in which this name is established in accordance with the ICZN guidelines, so the dating should be amended to Put’, 1957.

The type series of Theodoxus dniestroviensis is apparently lost but the samples from the type locality were recently traced in the National Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev). An illustrated comparison of topotypic specimens with other morphotypes of regional river nerites is provided. Given the variation in conchological characteristics observed among the specimens of Th. fluviatilis, we consider Th. dniestroviensis to range within its intraspecific variability. This makes Th. dniestroviensis a junior subjective synonym of Theodoxus fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758).

Название брюхоногого моллюска “Theodoxus dniestroviensis Put’, 1972” является младшим субъективным синонимом Th. fluviatilis (L., 1758): решение на основе изучения топотипов
Анистратенко О.Ю.; Дегтяренко Е.В.; Осипова Д.С.; Максименко Ю.В.; Анистратенко В.В.;
terrestrial snail; introduced species; alien species; bioinvasion;
pp. 69 -

The first record of the eastern Mediterranean species Monacha claustralis in Western Ukraine is described, where it was found in one urban habitat of Lviv together with a conchologically similar Monacha cartusiana. Based on the results of our research and literature data, the reliability of some anatomical criteria that can be used to differentiate M. claustralis and M. cartusiana has been analyzed. A considerable variability in the length and shape of the vagina in M. cartusiana in Western Ukraine has been demonstrated, which may cause the erroneous identification of some specimens of this species as M. claustralis. The pattern of the present distribution of M. cartusiana in Western Ukraine are also characterized.

Monacha claustralis и M. cartusiana (Gastropoda, Hygromiidae) – два криптических вида антропохорных наземных моллюсков на западе Украины
Гураль-Сверлова Н.В.; Гураль Р.И.;
Russian Maritime Territory; R/V Akademik Oparin;
pp. 81 -

Boreotrophon oparini sp. nov., found in the Sea of Japan, off Russian Maritime Territory, is described and illustrated. The type material was sampled at a depth of 40 m (holotype) and 110 m (paratype) during the 64th expedition of R/V Akademik Oparin. Boreotrophon oparini sp. nov. is compared with the sympatric B. candelabrum and other congeneric species.

Новый вид рода Boreotrophon P. Fischer, 1884 (Gastropoda, Muricidae, Pagodulinae) из Японского моря
Бондарев И.П.;
SoJaBio Expedition; microgastropods; Alvania;
pp. 85 -

Examination of unsorted microgastropod samples collected during the joint Russia-German research “Sea of Japan Biodiversity Studies (SoJaBio) Expedition” in 2010 and preserved in the National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, resulted in the finding of six species of the family Rissoidae. Among them, “Alvanianihonkaiensis Hasegawa, 2014 is newly recorded both in Russian waters and on the northern slope of the Sea of Japan, and Punctulum reticulatum Golikov, 1986 was rediscovered for the first time since its original description. Geographical and vertical distributions of each species and their significance are updated and discussed.

Батиальные Rissoidae (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) российского дальневосточного побережья Японского моря, с переописанием Punctulum reticulatum Golikov, 1986
Хасегава К.;
land molluscs; bioinvasion; invasive species; Eastern Europe;
pp. 93 -

New data on the records of synanthropic slug species of Limacus maculatus and Arion vulgaris in Belarus are analyzed. It is assumed that the penetration of these species into the territory of Belarus occurred from other parts of their modern range together with the imported goods.

Новые находки синантропных слизней Limacus maculatus и Arion vulgaris (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Stylommatophora) в Беларуси
Островский А.М.;