pp. 39 -

 In accordance with the taxonomic system adopted in Russia and used also in Estonia, the largest local forms of pea clams (Sphaeriidae) have been treated as two species, P. amnicum and P. inflatum. The aim of the study was to clarify if P. amnicum and P. inflatum are separate species. Populations of both forms from Estonia were analysed genetically and morphologically. Analysis of the COI and ITS-1 gene fragments revealed that these two forms were genetically indistinguishable. Although there were statistically significant differences in the relative proportions of the shell between their typical individuals, there occurred also intermediate values. Consequently, P. inflatum cannot be considered as a separate species and should be treated as an ecological variety of P. amnicum that inhabits mainly a characteristic sandy substrate.

Таксономический статус Pisidium amnicum (Müller, 1774) и P. inflatum Megerle von Mühlfeld in Porro, 1838 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae)
Вооде М.;
pp. 51 -

Development of the larval and juvenile shells of the White Sea bivalve Zirfaea crispata has been studied. The main stages of shell development from D-stage to early juveniles were described. The formation of larval hinge, consisting of two small teeth on the left valve and two teeth of different size on the right valve was observed. The complex shape of the large tooth on the right valve was noted at the pre- metamorphosis stages. Development of a structure, typical for certain Pholadidae – an articular connection on the ventral edge of the shell was recorded. This connection consists of a rectangular tooth on the right valve and a depression, flanked by small projections, on the left valve. The ventral connection starts to form at the larval size of 300 µm and becomes fully formed prior to metamorphosis. After metamorphosis the ventral connection does not disappear, but continues to grow with the growing edge of dissoconch. The role and functional importance of this structure in Zirfaea is discussed.

Развитие личиночной и ювенильной раковины сверлящего двустворчатого моллюска Zirfaea crispata (Bivalva, Pholadidae) в Белом море
Флячинская Л.П.; Лезин П.А.;
parasites; Arctic; new species record; distribution;
pp. 59 -

New findings of four gastropod species: Melanella laurae, Hemiaclis ventrosa (family Eulimidae), Chrysallida sublustris and Odostomia acuta (family Pyramidellidae) are described. O. acuta was previously confused by Russian authors with H. ventrosa, distribution of both species in the Barents Sea is limited by the coastal waters of Finmark and Murman. M. laurae and C. sublustris were found for the first time in the adjacent to the Barents Sea parts of the Arctic Ocean.

Новые находки моллюсков семейств Eulimidae и Pyramidellidae (Gastropoda) в Баренцевом море и прилегающих районах Полярного бассейна
Нехаев И.О.;
pp. 65 -

Based on the study of the reproductive tract of Metafruticicola occidentalis Subai, 1999, it is shown that the species belongs to a new subgenus (Elbasania subgen. nov.). For comparison, the anatomy of seven species of the genus Metafruticicola (including type species) has been studied. It is shown that the species of this genus are clearly distinguished from one another by the structure of the copulative apparatus (mainly of penial papilla). Comparison of the genus Metafruticicola with the representatives of other genera of Hygromiidae that have no accessory organs on the vagina is conducted. We suggest that the genus Cyrnotheba Germain, 1929 may belong to the subfamily Metafruticicolinae while the genus Caucasocressa does not belong to this subfamily and might be included in the subfamily Monachainae. Problems of taxonomic structure of the genus Metafruticicola briefly discussed.

Новые данные по анатомии и заметки по таксономии Metafruticicolinae (Pulmonata, Hygromiidae)
Шилейко А.; Фехер З. ;
pp. 81 -

Limax flavus Linnaeus, 1758 not previously recorded in Central Asia was found in Uzbekistan. The total number of adventitious species in Central Asia is 12; six species are migrants from Asia (Caucasus); six from Europe. Nine species were found before 1990, while three after 1991. Of these seven species are slugs (58%); nine of adventitious species are kolonozoids, three – epecozoids.

Некоторые адвентивные виды наземных моллюсков Центральной Азии
Шиков Е. В.;
Gural-Sverlova N. V.; Amiryan A. L.; Gural R. I.;
land snails; Yerevan; Kotayk Region; Ararat Region; Vayots Dzor Region;
pp. 87 -

In 2015-2016 land molluscs from 43 localities in Ararat Region, Vayots Dzor Region and Kotayk Region as well as in Yerevan were investigated. The introduced species Monacha fruticola and Oxychilus cf. filicum were first discovered on the territory of Armenia. One new locality of the rare species Orculella ruderalis, listed in the Red Book of Armenia, was found. The some pecularities of the intraspecific variability of the shells of O. ruderalis and Pseudochondrula tetrodon were described.

К изучению наземных моллюсков Армении
Гураль-Сверлова Н. В. ; Амирян А. Л.; Гураль Р. И. ;
pp. 95 -

Three species, attributed to buccinid genus Plicifusus, had been previously known from the Arctic: Plicifusus kroeyeri (Møller, 1842), P. johanseni Dall, 1919, and P. rodgersi (Gould, 1860). Study of museum collections and recently obtained material from the Laptev and East Siberian seas resulted in discovery of Plicifusus maehirai Tiba, 1980, previously known from the Northern Pacific, and Plicifusus sp., which probably belongs to an undescribed species. P. johanseni has been found in the Russian waters for the first time. Lectotype of P. johanseni has been designated.

Новые находки видов Plicifusus в российской Арктике (Neogastropoda: Buccinidae)
Косьян А.Р.; Нехаев И.О. ;
pp. 80 -

In the paper of Merkuljev A.V. 2017. “Taxonomic puzzle of Propebela arctica (A. Adams, 1855) (Gastropoda, Mangeliidae) – six different species under single name”, published in vol. 27(1): 15-30 the misprint has been found. On p. 26 in the caption to Fig. 5, the 9-th line from the bottom, instead of “C. georgossiani sp. nov. C. The holotype, ZIN 21768/1” read “C. georgossiani sp. nov. C. Paratype, ZIN 51254/2.”

Erratum в статье Меркульева А.В. 2017
pp. 105 -

On the basis of dissections and shell measurements we studied sexual dimorphism in shell shape in Parafossarulus manchouricus (Gerstfeldt in Bourquignat, 1860) taken from the bay of the Bira River (Russian Far East). It is shown that there are no statistically significant differences in shells of males and females in P. manchouricus.

К вопросу о половом диморфизме у Parafossarulus manchouricus (Gerstfeldt in Bourquignat, 1860) (Bithyniidae, Gastropoda, Mollusca)
Андреева С.И.; Андреев Н.И.; Лазуткина Е.А.; Кряжева Е.С.;
Gural-Sverlova N.V.; Amiryan A.L.; Gural R.I.;
land snails; Stenomphalia; Chondrula; Armenia; Transcaucasia;
pp. 109 -

In 2015-2016 land molluscs from 48 natural and anthropogenically transformed localities in Syunik Region of Armenia were investigated. The analysis of our and literature data gave the possibility to draw up a species list of land molluscs of Syunik Region, which includes 78 species. Two forms with unclear taxonomic status are described: Stenomphalia sp. and Chondrula cf. sunzhica.

Наземные моллюски юга Армении (Сюникская область)
Гураль-Сверлова Н.В.; Амирян А.Л.; Гураль Р.И.;
conchometric characteristics; population gene pool; allozymes; terrestrial mollusc; urban landscape;
pp. 119 -

The population structure of the terrestrial mollusc Brephulopsis cylindrica (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Enidae) in the native area (Crimea Peninsula) and out of its borders (two adventive groups in the city of Belgorod) was studied on the basis of conchometric characteristics and analysis of polymorphic allozyme loci. For all the morphometric parameters statistically significant differences were found between the studied groups. In all studied populations a high level of intrapopulation genetic variability was revealed (Fit = 0,401). At the same time, the considerable variability of the conchological parameters and the high level of allelic polymorphism at a number of loci identified in adventitious colonies create the prerequisites for successful adaptation to new conditions and further expansion of the species range in urbanized areas. 

Морфо-генетическая изменчивость нативных и адвентивных популяций моллюска Brephulopsis cylindrica (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Enidae)
Снегин Э.А.; Адамова В.В.; Сычев А.А.;
pp. 133 -

Morphological properties of the granules of the screening pigment in the retinae of camera eyes of gastropod mollusks with different light preferences were studied. It was demonstrated that the pigment granules of mollusks can differ by color and size but do not differ by structure, electron density and form. Light conditions of mollusks’ habitats can influence on the amount of the screening pigment, which in its turn does not affect resolving ability of the eyes.

Экранирующий пигмент камерных глаз стебельчатоглазых моллюсков (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora) с разными световыми предпочтениями
Шепелева И.П.;
pp. 141 -

Two doubtful cases of species name replacements in the family Lymnaeidae Rafinesque, 1815 (pond snails) proposed in 1990–2000s are discussed. These are: Radix labiata (Rossmäßler, 1835) vs. R. peregra (O.F. Müller, 1774), and Stagnicola fuscus (C. Pfeiffer, 1821) vs. S. vulneratus (Küster, 1862). It is shown that in both instances the name alterations were not based on the conclusive evidence and thus seem to be proposed without substantial reasons. I argue that the name Radix peregra cannot be ruled out and replaced by R. labiata. The type series of the latter has been identified in collection of the Natural History Museum of Vienna and it is shown that R. labiata is a junior synonym of R. balthica (Linnaeus, 1758). The lectotype of Limnaeus pereger var. labiatus Rossmäßler, 1835 is designated. The resurrection of the species name Limnaeus fuscus (Pfeiffer, 1821) for application to a certain species of Stagnicola is also very doubtful since this name must be treated as a nomen dubium, and any taxonomic interpretation of it is inevitable based on more or less reliable hypothesis, not on the total evidence. The replacement of S. vulneratus by its alleged senior synonym adds little to our knowledge on lymnaeid taxonomy and evolutionary relationships. It is desirable that the nomenclatorial principle of priority must not be applied to nomina dubia.

Недавние изменения видовых названий европейских Lymnaeidae: две истории с несчастливым концом?
Винарский М.В.;
pp. 155 -

New data on the record of synanthropic species of slugs Limacus flavus and Krynickillus melanocephalus in Belarus are analyzed. It is assumed that the penetration of these species into the territory of Belarus occurred from their natural habitats anthropochory way together with the imported vegetable products.

Новые находки синантропных видов слизней Limacus flavus (Linnaeus 1758) и Krynickillus melanocephalus Kaleniczenko, 1851 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Stylommatophora) в Беларуси
Островский А.М.;
Clausiliinae; Acrotoma; Micropontica; alpine species; Abkhazia;
pp. 159 -

Acrotoma (Castelliana) likharevi sp. nov., Acrotoma (Castelliana) reshaviensis sp. nov., and Micropontica (Baleopsina) olgae sp. nov. are described from the Bzyb Mountains of Abkhazia. The taxonomic position, relation to congeneric taxa, and zoogeographical significance of the new taxa are discussed.

Три новых вида Clausiliidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) из Абхазии
Солодовников И.А.; Szekeres M.;
terrestrial molluscs; Gastropoda; Pulmonata; conservation;
pp. 167 -

Nine specimens of Macrogastra plicatula were collected in the small old-growth oak-hornbeam forest surrounded by the swamps near Myrcha village in Kyiv region. This locality is more than in 300 km to south and south-east from the closest known locations of M. plicatula in north-western Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Collected shells are described and illustrated. The historical biogeography, habitat preferences and conservation of this species are discussed.

Первая находка лесной наземной улитки Macrogastra plicatula в Центральной Украине (Stylommatophora, Clausiliidae)
Балашов И. ; Яцюк Е. ;
Keywords: history of malacology; taxonomy; nomenclature; type series; freshwater Bivalvia; freshwater Gastropoda;
pp. 1 -

Eduard von Martens (1831–1904) was a prominent German malacologist of the nineteenth century contributed heavily to taxonomy and zoogeography of different groups of Mollusca and created a plethora of taxonomic names of the genus and species rank. The type materials of the species described by him are kept now in the Berlin Natural History Museum (Museum für Naturkunde). This article deals with von Martens’ role as a student of continental snails and bivalves of the former Russian Empire. Though von Martens did not travelled to Russia himself, he was able to study numerous samples of mollusks provided to him by both Russian and German explorers. It made him a great student of Russian malacofauna of that time. Most of von Martens works in this field were devoted to investigation of continental mollusks of the underexplored regions of the Russian Empire (Siberia, Russian Turkestan, Caucasus). At least 15 species described by von Martens are accepted as valid by the Russian malacologists. The article contains detailed accounts of the 15 species with illustrations of their type materials (lectotypes, syntypes), notes on distribution, taxonomy and nomenclature of these taxa.

Вклад Эдуарда фон Мартенса в познание континентальной малакофауны России (с изучением типовых материалов по водным видам, принимаемым российскими систе­м­а­тиками)
Винарский М. В.;
land molluscs; Arion hortensis complex; Kobeltia; Carinarion;
pp. 17 -

Arion distinctus is reported from the urban biotope of Uzhorod. It is possible that the specimen from Uzhorod environs, early identified as Arion hortensis, belonged to A. distinctus. For the first time Arion circumscriptus is reported from the Eastern Ukraine (Donetsk Region). The external (coloration) and internal (genital structure) distinctions of these species are described.

Новые находки слизней Arion distinctus и Arion circumscriptus (Arionidae) на территории Украины
Гураль-Сверлова Н.В.; Гураль Р.И.;
amber snails; estuary; taxonomy; new subspecies; Northern Europe;
pp. 25 -

Oxyloma sarsii tulomica subsp. nov. is described from the Kola Peninsula. The subspecies differs from the nominative subspecies Oxyloma sarsii sarsii, described from the Northern Norway in having predominately transverse folds in the inner penis wall, different shape of the crystals inside the penis. Data on variability and biology of the subspecies are presented, some problems of taxonomy of O. sarsii are discussed.

Oxyloma sarsii tulomica subsp. nov. (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Succineidae) с Кольского полуострова
Шиков Е.В.; Нехаев И.О. ;
pp. 35 -

The species composition and quantitative distribution of freshwater gastropods in 26 water bodies of the Vishtynets upland (Kaliningrad region, Russia) are described. Samplings were made in 2013–2014. There were found 24 species of gastropods – 6 Prosobranchia and 18 Pulmonata. Most of obtained species are members of the permanent water body communites: Planorbarius corneus, Bithynia tentaculata, Lymnaea stagnalis, Viviparus contectus, Stagnicola corvus, Radix auricularia, Radix balthica, Planorbis planorbis, Physa fontinalis and Anisus vortex. Radix ampla, Ancylus fluviatilis and Aplexa hypnorum were found in the studied area for the first time. 14 species known from the literature inhabit the Vishtynets lake were absent in studied samples. The thanatocoenoses in the trout rivers with high speed current include freshwater gastropod shells that are typical for the stagnant water bodies. In studied samples some invasive species that were previously recorded for the adjacent areas of the Poland and the Kaliningrad region were absent. Five of recorded species are included in the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region.

Характеристика фауны пресноводных брюхоногих моллюсков Виштынецкой возвышенности (Калининградская область, Россия)
Манаков Д.В.;