Publication Date
Schileyko А.; Pazilov А.; Abdulazizova Sh.;
pp. 217 -

Description of Neofruticicola donum gen. et sp. nov. from Kugitangtau Range (Central Asia) has presented. Conchologically the new species is similar to Fruticicola perlucens (Rosen, 1901), but anatomically it represents an unique for Bradybaenidae case of partial reduction of accessory organs of female part of the reproductive tract.

Ещё один сюрприз от Bradybaenidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata)
Шилейко А.; Пазылов А.; Абдулазизова Ш.;
pp. 216 -

A new replacement name Gallardochiton nom. nov., is hereby proposed to solve the homonymy between the polyplacophoran genus Gallardoia Sirenko, 2007 and the insectean genus Gallardoia Bruch, 1924.


Замещающее название для преоккупированного рода полиплакофор  Gallardoia Sirenko, 2007 (Mollusca)
Сиренко Б.И.;
pp. 207 -

A relict and endemic species of the Blue Nile drainage basin, the mussel Unio abyssinicus, is under the threat of extinction, with the continuing decline in the area, while data on the localities and biology of the mollusc are scarce. A new find of the mollusc population in the Duko river, located in the Oromiya Region of south-western Ethiopia, gives additional information about distribution of this species. The morphology of siphons of U. abyssinicus has been studied for the first time, the features of siphonal papillas are compared with those of the other mussel species. The data on the beak sculpture as well as the morphology of the hinge teeth have been clarified. Some new data on biology of the mussel are provided.

Новые данные о морфологии перловицы Unio abyssinicus (Bivalvia: Unionidae) из Эфиопии
Саенко Е.М.;
pp. 203 -

Gastropod Aporrhais pespelicani was recently recorded for the first time in several localities along the Murman Coast (SW Barents Sea). In all areas, only single specimens were collected with the exception of Kislaya Inlet where the dense population was found. We repeated field study in the Kislaya Inlet decade later after the first findings of the species. No living specimens were found at the place of the previous habitat of the population of Aporrhais pespelicani, however, two adult snails were collected in a remoted locality from the same waterbody. We hypothesize that distribution of Aporrhais pespelicani in the its northern edge of range fit to “core-satellite” metapopulation model, where Murman local populations representing “satellites” of the Norwegian “core”. There is no evident proof on the relation of recent records of Aporrhais pespelicani with range extension due to the climate change, as it was suggested before.

Странники северных берегов: распространение Aporrhais pespelicani (Gastropoda: Stromboidea) в Баренцевом море
Нехаев И.О.; Зуев Ю.А.; Русяев С.М.;
Culcita novaeguineae; Linckia laevigata; symbiosis; parasitism; stable isotopes analysis; diet;
pp. 195 -

The trophic relationships between two species of symbiotic gall-forming molluscs from the genus Stilifer (family Eulimidae) and two of their hosts-asteroid species, Linckia laevigata and Culcita noveaguineae, were investigated using the stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen. The aim of present study was to identify the most preferable host tissue in the symbionts’ diet. We analyzed δ15N and δ13C values in tube-feet, gonads and digestive glands of the hosts-starfishes and in muscles of the molluscs. Both symbiont species did not differ to each other both in δ15N and δ13C values. The average δ15N and δ13C values of Stilifer variabilis were significantly different from the digestive glands and gonads of their host Culcita novaeguineae and did not show differences from the tube-feet of starfishes. A similar pattern was found in the symbiotic association of Stilifer utinomi and Linckia laevigata. The tube-feet of analyzed starfishes had significantly higher average δ15N and δ13C values than the digestive glands and gonads. Obtained isotopic signatures indicate that symbionts do not feed on the host’s tissues, but take nutrients from their digestive system. It seems that the proboscis of Stilifer spp. absorbs the nutrients from the digestive system of the host-starfish thereby not disturbing significantly the host’s immune system.

Трофические взаимодействия между галлообразующими моллюсками рода Stilifer (Gast­ropoda, Eulimidae) и их хозяевами (Echinodermata)
Мехова Е.С.; Дгебуадзе П.Ю.;
Nudibranchia; Flabellinidae; Coryphellina; integrative taxonomy; species complex; cryptic species;
pp. 183 -

Flabellina rubrolineata was believed to have a wide distribution range, being reported from the Mediterranean Sea (non-native), the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and adjacent seas, and the Indo-West Pacific and from Australia to Hawaii. In the present paper, we provide a redescription of Flabellina rubrolineata, based on specimens collected near the type locality of this species in the Red Sea. The morphology of this species was studied using anatomical dissections and scanning electron microscopy. To place this species in the phylogenetic framework and test the identity of other specimens of F. rubrolineata from the Indo-West Pacific we sequenced COI, H3, 16S and 28S gene fragments and obtained phylogenetic trees based on Bayesian and Maximum likelihood inferences. Our morphological and molecular results show a clear separation of F. rubrolineata from the Red Sea from its relatives in the Indo-West Pacific. We suggest that F. rubrolineata is restricted to only the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea and to West Indian Ocean, while specimens from other regions belong to a complex of pseudocryptic species.

Молекулярно-генетический анализ и обновленное таксономическое переописание Flabellina rubrolineata (Nudibranсhia: Flabellinidae) из Красного и Аравийского морей
Екимова; И.А.; Антохина Т.И.; Щепетов Д.М.;