Culcita novaeguineae; Linckia laevigata; symbiosis; parasitism; stable isotopes analysis; diet;
pp. 195 -

The trophic relationships between two species of symbiotic gall-forming molluscs from the genus Stilifer (family Eulimidae) and two of their hosts-asteroid species, Linckia laevigata and Culcita noveaguineae, were investigated using the stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen. The aim of present study was to identify the most preferable host tissue in the symbionts’ diet. We analyzed δ15N and δ13C values in tube-feet, gonads and digestive glands of the hosts-starfishes and in muscles of the molluscs. Both symbiont species did not differ to each other both in δ15N and δ13C values. The average δ15N and δ13C values of Stilifer variabilis were significantly different from the digestive glands and gonads of their host Culcita novaeguineae and did not show differences from the tube-feet of starfishes. A similar pattern was found in the symbiotic association of Stilifer utinomi and Linckia laevigata. The tube-feet of analyzed starfishes had significantly higher average δ15N and δ13C values than the digestive glands and gonads. Obtained isotopic signatures indicate that symbionts do not feed on the host’s tissues, but take nutrients from their digestive system. It seems that the proboscis of Stilifer spp. absorbs the nutrients from the digestive system of the host-starfish thereby not disturbing significantly the host’s immune system.

Трофические взаимодействия между галлообразующими моллюсками рода Stilifer (Gast­ropoda, Eulimidae) и их хозяевами (Echinodermata)
Мехова Е.С.; Дгебуадзе П.Ю.;