Volume 31

Volume 31, part 4

molluscs; fauna; Fennoscandia; Northern Europe; freshwater ecosystems; biogeography; Arctic;
pp. 147 -

The species composition and distribution of freshwater gastropods in the western part of the Kola Peninsula and northern Karelia has been studied. The explored region lies in the far north of Europe and covers several landscape zones: from the northern taiga to the tundra. In sum, seventeen species found, for each of them the distribution maps and photographs of intraspecific forms of conchological variability are presented. The taxonomic remarks are also given when appropriate. Gyraulus acronicus (Planorbidae) and Ampullacena balthica (Lymnaeidae) are the most common species in the studied region. Two species (Ampullacena balthica and Galba truncatula) have been recorded in the Barents Sea islands off the Kola Peninsula. A single non-indigenous species, Physella acuta (Physidae) has been registered in the studied territory. Based on the results of a comparison of the faunas of gastropods from various areas within the whole territory studied and other regions of northern Europe and Western Siberia, it has been shown that the most dramatic reduction in the species composition occurs during the transition from taiga to tundra landscapes.

Пресноводные брюхоногие моллюски западной части Кольского полуострова и северной Карелии (северная Европа)
Нехаев И.О.;
Russia; Keywords: history of malacology;
pp. 177 -

The contribution to malacology made by the eminent Russian scientist and traveler, Alexander Theodor von Middendorff (1815–1894) is reviewed. Middendorff’s research is rightly considered the highest achievement of Russian malacology in the 19th century. It is shown, despite the relatively short timespan of his malacological activity, Middendorff could reach substantial progress in the knowledge of the Russian malafocauna, both marine, and continental, and authored more than 15 malacological publications, including a series of fundamental systematic works. Middendorff’s views on taxonomy, variability, and zoogeography of molluscs are discussed, and the research program in malacology, proposed by him, is reviewed as well as the impact of his studies on the further development of malacology in the Russian Empire. The full list of all molluscan taxa described by Middendorff is provided as an “Appendix” to the article.

Малаколог великой Империи: вклад Александра фон Миддендорфа в исследование моллюсков
Винарский М.В.;