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An experimental scallop fishing survey was carried out by F/V ’Avel Mad’ around the Falkland Islands at depths ranging from 35 m to 160 m between 5 December 2001 and 25 January 2002. Five beds of the Patagonian scallop Zygochlamys patagonica (King et Broderip, 1832) with commercial potential were found in the north-eastern and southern Falklands shelf (50°35’S–50°47’S) at depths between 130 and 145 m. All the beds were discrete, dense, and stretched stripelike along the steep shelf break. The size of beds ranged from 16 km2 to 168 km2. Average scallop CPUE by bed varied from 740 kg/h to 1170 kg/h and the total scallop catch during experimental fishery was 134.1 t. The total biomass of Patagonian scallop over all five beds was estimated to be between 18422 t and 27121 t. The age of scallops, determined using growth marks in the ligament and shell, ranged from 0+ (current year recruits; shell height less than 24 mm) to 21 years old (shell height 77 mm). Adult scallops larger than 50 mm shell height and older than 5-6 years dominated the catches on all Falklands beds. In the last two years successful recruitment was only evident on the northern beds. On average in Falklands waters strong scallop recruitment takes place once every 4 or 5 years. Estimated parameters for the von Bertalanffy growth equation ranged from 59.34 to 73.48 mm for asymptotic shell height, from 0.15 to 0.41 y-1 for the growth rate, K, and from –0.95 to –2.28 for t0. In general, scallops in Falklands waters grow rather slowly, reaching the usual commercial size (55 mm SH) at age 5-6 years old, and live to 20 years and more. Sexual maturity is reached at 35-37 mm SH and ages 2-3 years, though in coastal areas they apparently mature earlier, at 30 mm SH (2 years old).

Гребешок  Zygochlamis patagonica (Bivalvia; Pectinidae): распределение, структура запаса и промысловый потенциал в водах Фолклендских островов
Бизиков В. А.; Миддлетон Д.А.Д.;