terrestrial molluscs; Mollusca; Gastropoda; Carpathians; Europe;
pp. 95 -

All available data and most of materials on Acicula parcelineata from Ukraine are reviewed. Thirteen areas inhabited by the species are reported for Ukraine, some of which include several known sites. Five of these areas were not reported before. Map of general distribution of A. parcelineata is provided (outside Ukraine based on published data). Habitat preferences of this species are reviewed, it occurs in Ukraine almost exclusively in forests with presence of beech, on altitude 300-1100 m. Conservation status of A. parcelineata in Ukraine is shown to be “Near Threatened” according to IUCN criterions, it is recommended to be included into the next edition of Red Book of Ukraine. Shells’ measurements of A. parcelineata are provided and compared with related Platyla jankowskiana. The later species is discussed; it seems to be possible that it represents large abnormal specimens of A. parcelineata.

Наземная улитка Acicula parcelineata (Architaenioglossa: Cyclophoroidea: Aciculidae) в Украине: распространение, изменчивость, биотопическая приуроченность и природоохранный статус
Скворцова В.; Балашов И. ;