Maximova N.V.; Melnikova E.N.; Shirokaya A.A.; Sitnikova T.Ya.; Timoshkin O.A.;
pp. 1 -

This paper presents the first data on seasonal quantitative dynamics of Gastropoda - dominant group of macrozoobenthos in three hydrodynamically different stony littoral areas of Lake Baikal. These studies were performed on the western shore of Southern Baikal (Cape Beryozovy) for 13 months in spring-autumn of 2002-2004. Species composition of gastropods varied with depth (1-20 m) from 10 to 17 species. Five species constantly inhabited the inshore area (depth 1-2,5 m), whereas in the wave-cut area (3-5 m) and the area of wave weakening (7-20 m) there were detected 6 species. During most of the investigation period, total density and biomass of gastropods was higher in the wave-cut area than that in two other regions of the lake. The rise of density and biomass of mollusks was recorded at all depth zones in autumn, whilst their quantitative values varied during other seasons. The main contributors to the total abundance of gastropods were Maackia herderiana and Choanomphalus maacki in the inshore area, whereas in the wave-cut area and area of wave weakening one species Maackia herderiana. Seasonal and inter-annual fauna dynamics of littoral gastropods was determined from changes in quantitative characteristics of species-dominants.

Сезонное и межгодовое распределение брюхоногих моллюсков в трех гидродинамических зонах каменистой литорали озера Байкал
Максимова Н.В.; Мельникова Е.Н.; Широкая А.А.; Ситникова Т.Я.; Тимошкин О.А.;