pp. 105 -

Based on 63 nucleotide sequences 588 base pairs long of the fragment of mitochondrial gene coding for the 1st subunit of cytochrome с oxydase (CO1) of Baikalian endemic mollusc Baicalia carinata (Dybowski, 1875), we show that this species splits into three clades, which correspond to three populations: south (Bolshie Koty, Murinskaya Banka), north-west (from Maloe More to Id. Yarki) and north-east (from Gremyachinsk to Point Pongonie). Each clade includes sequences belonging to three different species of genus Baicalia. This fact indicate a lower degree of genetic differences (about 5%) between morphological species in comparison with differences between populations of the same species (up to 6.8%). We argue that the species of Baicalia Martens, 1876 occurred allopatrically in spite of their parapatric current distribution. Migration and possible inter-specific hybridization played important role in shaping of their current genetic polymorphism.

Исследование популяционного генетического полиморфизма эндемичного байкальского вида Baicalia carinata (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda).
Перетолчина Т. Е.; Ситникова Т. Я.; Щербаков Д. Ю.;