pp. 53 -

Anomalies in female reproductive system (imposex) were recorded in populations of Buccinum undatum and Nucella lapillus in the White and Barents seas. For Buccinum cyaneum from the Barents Sea the anomalies in reproductive system were not found. 7.7% of females of Buccinum undatum from the White Sea had imposex in 1976, and 6.5% in 2005; in the Barents Sea in 2005 – 29.5%. 46.1% of females of Nucella lapillus from the Barents Sea have imposex. The degree of development of imposex demonstrated that the strait Velikaya Salma of the White Sea is less polluted than the Dal’nezelenetskaya Bay of the Barents Sea. By imposex development and probably by organotin pollution the Barents Sea corresponds to the most clean in this respect areas of the British Islands coast – north-eastern England. Comparison of the data of 1976 and 2005 from the White Sea suggested that certain low percentage of females of Buccinum undatum with imposex may be present in populations inhabiting non-polluted areas.

Морфологические аномалии половой системы у некоторых видов брюхоногих моллюсков (Neogastropoda) Белого и Баренцева морей.
Дгебуадзе П. Ю.; Кантор Ю. И.;