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Spatial and seasonal distribution patterns, and size structure of the squid Okutania anonycha were studied in the northwestern Pacific Ocean and adjacent waters of the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk, and a life-cycle scenario was suggested. This study used data collected during 11 research cruises of the TINRO-Centre during 1985-2004. Of 18,990 squid individuals caught in these cruises, 1861 individuals were analyzed. O. anonycha occurred in the trawl hauls in variable quantities throughout a year, and maximum catches of up to 2,800 individuals per hour trawling occurred in June. The dorsal mantle lengths ranged from 11 to 108 mm, and overall catches consisted of larval stages (16%), juveniles (54%) and feeding and maturing adults (30%). Monthly changes in size structure of the squid catches and analysis of modal class succession indicated that they might be associated with seasonal peaks of spawning. O. anonycha has a one year life cycle, and it appeared closely associated with the Western Subarctic Gyre, while adjacent waters of the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk are peripheral areas of the species’ primarily oceanic range.

Пространственное и сезонное распределение кальмара Okutania anonycha (Pearcy et Voss, 1963) (Cephalopoda: Gonatidae) в северо-западной части Тихого Океана и прилегающих водах
Катугин О.Н.; Шевцов Г.А.; Зуев М.А.; Беркутова А.М.; Слободской Е.В.;